Friday 11 November 2011

Swimming, swimming and more swimming

At last I’m making some progress with swimming.

Sea swimming
Last week I did some sea swims (still no wetsuit), starting on Sunday with Meadfoot – Shag Rock with some Devon Wild Swimmers (Richard, Allan and Malcolm), it was a lovely swim, fairly flat, lovely weather, not too cold, Malcolm is a rock hopper and I felt quite jealous of him sliding around on the rocks.

On Wednesday afternoon the call of the sea was too much, I left work a bit early and went down to Broadsands for one of my favourites a little jaunt around to Elbury and back, and a first for me – I drove home in my swimming costume, heater on to keep my feet warm then straight into the shower to warm up. I did spend the drive watching my speedometer to ensure I did not come to the attention of the police, I’m not sure I’d like to have to explain.

On Friday evening just as the sun was setting I headed over to Brixham Breakwater Beach, I only had time for a quick 15 minute dip but it was lovely and I really wanted to stay in. I meet a very nice mother and son who are regulars there and are hoping to go through the winter. And I also met (but only in my imagination) all manner of sea creatures. The problem with dusk is that you’re mind can turn even the smallest bit of sea weed or tiny rock into Basking sharks, seals or general sea monsters. It does make me go faster though.

Saturday afternoon was back to Broadsands for the Elbury circuit. Most notable for the disaster I made of trying to exit the water. 1inch waves and a couple of peebles seemed to scupper my exit entirely, rather than emerging gracefully like a bond girl I thrashed about like a harpooned seal, in front of a crowd of about 20 dog walkers. (I had to drink quite a lot of wine later to erase (albeit temporarily) the memory of my shame)

Sunday I managed 2 swims (or probably more accurately 2 halves) First I met DWW Jackie and Alan with our own personal photographer Gordon at Broadsands and we walked over to Elbury, After a stumble over the pebbles and a battle against the choppy waves hitting the shore line we all made it wetsuitless into the sea. The conditions were beautiful. The cold eventually got the better of Jackie and Allan but as Kate, Charlie, Rob and Ollie were walking round to meet me I decided to carry on towards Broadsands. It was like swimming in an infinite pool, no matter how hard I worked I didn’t get anywhere. My family stood on the rocks waving at my spurred me on a little but then I bottled it a bit and decided to turnaround and head back to Elbury. We had wine and water on the beach (water for me as I was still suffering from too much wine the night before, being in the cold water is the perfect hangover cure), and did lots of throwing stones at rocks and into the water. We headed back towards our cars just in time to meet Amy and Pete in the wetsuits just about to go into the sea at Broadsands, I couldn’t resist so it was clothes off costume on, on our return from out beautiful 20 minute jaunt we were greeted with cups of tea and coffee, never has it been more welcome. A carvery lunch at the Waterside was a perfect end to my swimming day.

Note – it is not my intention to document blow by blow all swims between now and channel swim, I am aware of how tedious that could be

In the Pool
On Friday as I mentioned above I managed a short swim at Brixham Breakwater Beach, it was cut short because I’d arranged to meet Pete and Amy at Brixham swimming pool. Pete is a confident breaststroke swimmer but struggles with Frontcrawl. I’m constantly assuring him that frontcrawl really is very much easier than breaststroke and this was my chance to prove it. I did a bit of reading up on it and swam a few lengths just thinking about the stroke, in the hope that I’d be able to give some pointers.

The main problem was that his legs seemed to want to spend their time on the bottom of the pool rather than floating nicely behind where they’re meant to be. (I have subsequently discovered that this is a common problem with men, something to do with them having less sub-cetaceous fat). A couple of drills and the use of fins seemed to help quite a bit (extensive searching on the internet has come up with nothing better so for now at least we’ll stick with that) .The most hilarious moment was when he tried to do backstroke legs only, 10/10 of effort he carried on even though he was entirely submerged after about the forth kick, I wonder how long he’d have struggled on for had I not stopped him?

Two pool sessions by myself this week too, a mile each time (thanks to running out of “lane” time and ending up in the middle of public swimming, very tricky to do lengths when surrounded by toddlers with floaty things, turtle swimmers (head out of the water/very slow) women who seem to have come for a chat rather than a swim (could you not do that in the cafĂ© afterwards? Are you wondering why you’re not loosing any weigh despite going swimming 3 times a week? Really? It’s because you don’t actually swim!!). Note to self – check timetable next time.

A lesson
For the first time in around 35 years, in a little holiday complex pool near South Brent with a little group of 4 swimmers, being taught by the lovely Kari Furre I had a swimming lesson. I loved it, back to basics, floating, doing mushroom rolls (I like to think of them as jelly fish rather than mushroom), even a length of butterfly (more water out of the pool than in by the time I finished). I giggled a lot, mainly at my totally inability to remember where to put my head. We even got homework, I can’t wait ‘til next week.

First of all it’s pie night this week, which is my first proper Breakthrough Breast Cancer fundraising thing. I’ve managed to get a polypin of Bays and some wine (thanks Redfield Wines and Bays Brewery) as prizes. More of this next time

I’m recruiting a team of 10(?) swimmers to swim the channel with me, well sort of. Each of my team will have to swim 21 miles over 15 weeks and raise at least £25. I will attempt to match their total distance each week (omg what am I agreeing too?) So far I have 5 signed up (thanks to Carolyn, Julia, Tracey, Nicky and Pete)

Have I mentioned my no drinking to save money towards my channel swim? The plan is that for every 7 consecutive days I go without a drink I will put £20 into my pilot boat fund. I’ve managed 3 since the end of September, I’m currently on day 6 of 7, I’ll do my best not to spoil this week)

Moonlight swim
Tonight I’m off for my first moonlight swim on the moors, it’s a first for night time swimming and a first for swimming on the moors (well since I was 6 years old anyway). Flasks of soup and snugly jumpers at the ready and fingers crossed that the rain doesn’t come.

It really has been a week of swimming, swimming and more swimming and really this is only the beginning